of Alcoholics Anonymous
NEW! now can list your group's virtual payment methods. We support listing PayPal, Venmo, and CashApp accounts. Please email if you want your group's online payment methods listed. Your ID's should reflect your group's name, and the account should only be used for 7th tradition purposes. No individual accounts will be listed. It should be owned and maintained by the group.
If you do not list the password, your meeting is not accessible to newcomers. If you wish to not have the password exposed but still want accessibility, provide an email address to be listed where a password can be requested. That email should be frequently monitored.
Also, only one Zoom meeting per fellowship is needed, and it is much easier to manage. A single meeting can be scheduled at different times and days of the week. If you want a meeting closed with no password listed, then add another meeting ID without publishing the password.
This is up to the discretion of each group. Many courts are accepting the attendee merely list the date, time, first name of the secretary, and the topic.
Some groups are creating a group email, and providing the attendee a confirmation email from that email account.
Reading Materials for Meetings